There’s always a lot of talk, especially in the life-coaching corners of social media, about the benefits of finding your ‘why.’
This advice seems to apply, in particular, to when starting or doing anything that might be deemed ‘out on a limb’… be it for work, leisure or self-development!
In the case of running a business, it’s often the case that the interests, talents and passions that we attach to ‘why’, are fulfilled not just by the job role itself…but by the lifestyle that it cultivates.
By appeasing an interest in family time, and the ‘health & wellness’ sector, in equal measure… for example.
By satisfying a passion for writing, just as much as one for not letting the milestones go by unnoticed.
All of these not-made-for-Linkedin credentials, are just as much the hidden engine for ‘making it happen’, as the nuts and bolts of creativity and imagination that hold it together.
Today, my daughter was helping on a little project with @twonodsnutbutter, in the kind of two-birds-one-stone outing that crops up every now and then, and which (this time) saw picnicking and photo-opping find precious common ground.
On such non-sequitur days, where stay-at-home parenting gains a professional dimension, the maternal and creative strings to my bow are played in unison…but let’s not pretend for a moment, that all days are quite so harmonic.
Other times, trying to funnel a day’s vision and creativity through the small window of between-school-run-opportunity that exists in each day, is a true race against time, energy and patience.
Luckily, somewhere between the halcyon peanut-butter-in-the-park days, and the mission impossible Mondays where a ‘normal’ job looks infinitely appealing - freelance life finds its counterpoint.
Oftentimes, it’s not particularly reel-worthy, but when it is, it makes that decade-ago decision to follow my ‘whys’… look like a wise move indeed.