Like many, we’re looking forward to a well-earned break over the next few days…but not without making our most recent brand collaboration ‘Linkedin official.’
This collaboration with activewear brand Meltedrock, came with the somewhat unique challenge of re-framing fitness for the festive market, despite the usual ‘never the twain shall meet’ opinion!
In a deliberate move away from the idea that people are either ‘on’ or ‘off’ exercise, we’ve peddled the virtues of incidental exercise, and the reality that the Christmas rush, is a workout in itself!
Not only this, contrary to the sedentary yuletide stereotype, many more of us are choosing to not just continue our exercise regimes, but actively step them up a notch over the festive period.
Whether due to the sudden availability of time after finishing work, or as coping mechanism for Christmas’ many stresses and challenges…escaping to the gym or studio might currently feel more of a luxury than it ever has.
For all these reasons, we felt there was a definite place for performance-enhancing activewear in our festive content calendar, and we relished this chance to showcase a side to #gymready that wasn’t all crop tops and crunches!
This narrative, we felt, didn’t necessarily apply to the average keeping-all-the-balls-in-the-air yogi/runner/gym-goer at this time of year. The after-class dash to the shops for last-minute stocking fillers however, sounded about right!
In a definite case of ‘if you know, you know’, festive fitness is…hanging on by a thread!
The only silver lining, is that they’re some pretty snazzy threads!