Ahhh, the Alogorithm!!
It’s got many an Instagram user up in arms, with its cryptic farrago of ‘ranking factors’ and metadata must-haves.
Baffled… much!
In the absence of being able to understand it all, the best the average user can do is throw all the curated mud they can conjure… and see what sticks.
If I had to hasten a guess, I’d say the ‘pixel and frame analyser’ that works behind the scenes to bump reels up the rankings, is probably bums and legs kinda guy/gal!
Of course, this is said with a tongue firmly in cheek… but at the same time, it’s perhaps suggestive of the sad conclusion that many business profile users are drawing from their tumble-weed-met ‘professional’ posts.
It’s a tough terrain to navigate, and especially without succumbing to the de-motivational effects of what is arguably ‘favouritism-by-photo.’
Alas, until the playing field is levelled, I’ll accept the need to take a onepiece for the team, once in a while, even if it amounts to nothing more than proving a point!
The point being… not to take radio silence to heart!
On Instagram, importance is in the eye of the algorithm, not the beholder… and more’s the pity!