It was such a pleasure to collaborate with Primula for National Cheese Toastie Day today!
For me, this brand is deliciously and heart-warmingly nostalgic, having been a firm lunchbox favourite during the 80s growing up!
Those many fond memories of crusts-off cheesy triangles, and a few cheeky, sneaky straight-from-the-tube moments that every child is probably guilty of (at some point), combined to make this opportunity feel just that little bit special!
Admittedly, the range has come on somewhat since the one-dimensional packed-lunch era of 30+ years ago (eeek!).
Now, you can enjoy the likes of Primula and ham, Primula and Prawn… and even Primula for your burger!
The range is as varied as it is exciting, and offers endless scope for this brand transcending the ranks of triangle sandwiches… into the leagues of home-haute cuisine!
We hope to demonstrate some examples of this potential in the future, but in the meantime… feast your eyes on this, Spring Onion & Swiss Chard Cheese Toastie!
You’re welcome!!