The long-running idea that mixing things up can be enlivening, is one that can be applied in many contexts, the most unlikely of which, we’ve just discovered, is drinks culture.
Nowadays, it’s all too easy to get stuck in a coffee or tea-shaped rut, especially when it comes to tea breaks and pick-me-ups, and this is partly why we were so excited to work with Drink Me Chai, to help shine a light on the ultimate caffeine-habit disrupter - CHAI!
With hot drinks having played an important role in lockdown culture, there’s now a rebound thirst for getting caffeine back in check, which makes it no wonder that Chai is currently hot stuff, both literally and metaphorically,
For us, this easy-to-make Chai mix has not just shown it’s possible to spice up our tea breaks…but also that the same is true of our drinks narrative, which in the past has scarcely touched on many non-herbal alternatives.
The opportunity to talk ‘chai’ was therefore a refreshing one, and proved that spice is sometimes the variety of life… just as much as the other way round!